Photography Portfolio

5184 × 3456 px Aperture: 11 Shutter Speed: 1/30 ISO: 200

5184 × 3456 px
Aperture: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/30
ISO: 200

Well walking through the cemetery, the one stone that I was determined to find in all its beauty in some way or another was that of an angel; and as one can see, I was successful in my search. In this image, the compositional techniques that are visible and used are framing, balance, and point of view. Framing is seen in this photograph because the flowers in the bottom corners of the image literally help frame the picture, the come in and go up the sides of the picture; these flowers help with balancing the picture. The technique of balance can be seen because of the equal-ness in the picture. On both sides of the angel figure, there is nothing out weighting the other side. Also, by the editing I did in the picture, making it black and white, and adding the black edges around the outside, help make the top half where the sky lies, equal in light and darkness comparable to the darkness or the grass and plants. Lastly, the compositional technique that can be viewed in this photograph is point of view, as this picture was taken through “worms eye view”; this means that the image was token from a ground angle looking/aiming the lens upwards the view the image as if it’s looking down upon you.

5184 × 3456 px Aperture: 11 Shutter Speed: 1/20 ISO: 200

5184 × 3456 px
Aperture: 11
Shutter Speed: 1/20
ISO: 200

This angel stone stood out in my mind as interestingly beautiful, and I tried to capture as many different possibilities for taking interesting photographs as I could with it. In this photograph, the grid of thirds is used in creating an interesting compositional technique. I got up close and zoomed in on the angel’s upper half, as her face seemed quite equitized in both look and expression. By using a slower shutter speed of 1/20 to allow more light in, I was able to capture enough light in the photograph, but capture the right amount of shading to show the features in her figure. By off centering the angel to the right, with her eyes on the top corner of the page falling across the upper horizontal line that makes the grid of thirds, and by haven token in the picture at an angle where as she is looking in, allows the grid of thirds to be the technique visible and used in the photograph

3456 × 5184 px Aperture: 6.3 Shutter Speed: 1/100 ISO: 200

3456 × 5184 px
Aperture: 6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/100
ISO: 200

Throughout my walk through around the old churches and stones, I was looking for stones that have fallen over. For some strange reason unknown to myself, I decided that a stone fallen over would create an interesting looking photograph, and tell a unique story in itself. When taking the picture, I tried to zoom in and focus on the stone(s) themselves and almost blur the background behind and around it; I did this by lowering the f-stop to 6.3 the compositional photography technique in this photo is point of view and framing. Point of view is one of the techniques in this photograph because the image was token from the ground looking up to view the cross and stones. The second technique is framing because the grass that lies on the bottom section of the piece frames the photograph in a small way.

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