Gelskin for iPhone

Technology has become the main focus in peoples lives anymore; phones are a person’s best friend. If this is the case, why not create a peice of art work thats pratical and will be used everday?

The task was to create an iphone skin, curtiusy of a deal my Media Art class got. On my process of looking online for many ideas, I stumbled across a few, both from the gelaskins website ( and online itself.

This photo is actually a skin design found from the gelaskins website. This was a big part of my inspiration for my own skin design; I wanted to capture and use a skull(s) in my design, and this shape and design really intrigued me and my creative side. I thought the way it was drawn seemed very unique, and I liked the overall look it. I planned to use this shape in my own skin design.

This cartoon mash-up of drawn cartoons was so amazing for me. As a person whose love for cartoons is insane, this was amazing to me. I found it was such a good idea and way to capture a lot of things in cartoon form. I plan to use these/this style in my own design. I really would like to do something with cartoons in my piece, and draw them all using the tablet, as this is skill I have and can use.

While looking up trendy phone cases, I came across the geometric/tribal look. I found I really liked it, and the overall feel of it. Its a good way to capture a lot of movement and colours in a particular space in a fun and interesting way. I also liked how the designs and patterns look hand drawn and coloured. I feel this could work for my art style as I would like to draw my skin. I plan on using this tribal and or geometric look with the drawn feel in my skin design.

This photo, just like the previous one, is drawn/created in the geometric tribal style. I think this is really successful and I like how it looks in black and white, rather then in colour. I plan to use this somewhere in my piece, and capture the hand drawn feel.


Links/Sources for images above:

Shadow Blog:

Skins and Cases:

Shop and create:

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