For a school porject, we were told to create a GIF anaimation on the computer. What is this? Well, firstly, animated GIF’s are very popular and are recognized everywhere; they are a series of static GIF’s placed together side by side in “frames”. This sequence of frames plays a certain number of times or repeats endlessly, in a process called looping.

Well decideing what my own animation should be, I explored a variety of Gif creations. The following are GIF’s that I used as inporation for my own GIF animation.



This piece was the main inspiration in my GIF creation. I ended up creating an animaton very similar to this in my final piece. I really like how the beginning was so simple and ordinanry then just out of now where a giant Santa jumps in and stuff goes insane. I liked how the colurs were neon, and the background was extreme and intense. The over all GIF itself appeals to me and connects with my outrageous and bright style. Although the ending does not really loop well with the beginning, the over all design and idea of the GIF is unique and can keep you watching endlessly. As well as this, the subject matter is very clear and the viewer can clearly understand and see what the GIF is about.



This piece is also part of my inspiration. In the beginning drawing creation process, I really wanted to do something like this. A random monster eating something, then them growing, and him repeating the process. I really liked how it looped and the subject matter.

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